Welcome to Values Soup
Values Soup began as a blog some years ago to share understanding and perspectives on values among a group of values practitioners and educators.
As our Learning Through Values programme has gained more followers over the past 10 years we have decided to convert Values Soup into an open and facilitated process.
The idea of Values Soup is a simple metaphor - we see the role of values within learning as being like homemade soup. Each soup is different according to the available ingredients and the degree of seasoning added. This is the charm of homemade soup – instantly familiar, but often with a little surprise that awakens or assaults your senses.
Engaging with values and learning, whether in schools, organisations or communities can feel a bit like this. We are never quite sure of what the ingredients will be on the day, but always fascinated to watch them come together (or not) and to learn from that process.
If you are interested in values, learning and how these combine to inform and shape our lives and futures, then I invite you to join us in the kitchen; to try the soup, and add to it. A good stir is hard to resist!
- We want to encourage people to come together to make and enjoy soup together.
- There is no fixed recipe - anyone is welcome and we each bring our own ingredients to add to the collective bowl.
- We'll stir it together and if needed apply some gentle heat to see what we can create together.
We plan to open the kitchen monthly and will follow each session with an entry on the values pages of the CoRE* to enable discussion to continue in between.
The kitchen is next open on:
we will post here when the next series starts
Email to request a Zoom link
* The CoRE (Community of Relational Educators) is a closed social media platform hosted by Lifeworlds. It is open to all, but you will need an invitation to sign up. Signing up is free, simple and you can leave at any point. Learn more about the CoRE here...