If you are new to Lifeworlds then you might like to start with our 3 minute intro, but if you want a bit more detail the we offer that here.
Our people are at the heart of all that we do. We feel proud and privileged that they choose to be part of our team.
Our philosophy is our name - lifeworlds. This is the idea that whilst we might share spaces and relations in common, we each experience these according to our lifeworld.
We believe that understanding and being conscious of our lifeworld is essential to learning and change. More...
We are driven by our values and the meaningfulness we find in the opportunities and challenges of learning. 
We believe that a strong sense of purpose - knowing your 'why'- is vital to wellbeing and direction. More...
We acknowledge the power and privilege we have in hosting the learning opportunities we offer. 
We believe it is important to attend to our power, and to the power that exists in our encounters and relationships. More... 
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