You found us, but don't know us. Can you give us 3 minutes?

What - the practical bit
- We support learning within schools, organisations, community groups and networks. You can learn more about our partnerships here.
- We specialise in critical pedagogy, dialogic processes, participatory approaches, and transformational change.
- We design and deliver courses (on-line/in-situ), workshops, learning pathways and resources.
- Our focus is on relational fields such as values, philosophy, environmental education, global relations, citizenship, equalities, and social justice.

How - the relational bit
- Relationships are core to our practice. We start with you and travel at your pace for just as long as you need us to.
- One size does not fit all. We believe in attending to your needs and aspirations from the outset.
- We thrive through connection and continual learning. Everyone we collaborate with is invited to become part of our wider community.
- Internal relationships are just as important. We value our practitioners as people and professionals in all that we do together.

Why - the intentional bit
- As a team of educators we are passionate about learning and its power to unlock the creative potential of individuals, teams, organisations, and communities to think, and do, beyond the box.
- We know that time, space, confidence and the occasional provocation are essential to learning, and that this is best done through joint inquiry and imagination in a safe environment.
- We believe that transformational learning enables a fairer, more peaceful and sustainable world to emerge, and that we each have a pivotal role to play in this story.
- Asking ourselves "why do it?" is the starting point for all we do.

Who - the formal bit
- Lifeworlds is a social enterprise (a Community Interest Company or CIC). It was founded in 2008 and registered with Companies House in September 2010.
- Our primary purpose is "to support learning communities in England".
- We are co-ordinated by two founding directors and a small team of core and associate practitioners.
- We host a wider community of practice through the CoRE.
Well that was against our character, but thanks
We actually like to take things much slower normally; to take time to think through the best way forwards; to get to know people and the things that motivate them. If you'd like to start a conversation then please get in touch.