The best way to think and learn can sometimes be to leave our day to day concerns behind us and to focus in on the matter in hand. Our 'deep dive' residential opportunities allow just this.
We can offer a residential experience for a small teams and organisations, or if you are an individual looking for this immersive experience then you can join one of our open residential opportunities and learn alongside a diverse community of fellow participants.
What is involved?
Each residential 'deep dive' is different, but they typically involve the following:
Preparation - a pre-arrival session or sessions to familiarise participants with the focus of the residential, the expectations for learning, the details of the location and hosts, and an opportunity for clarifications and questions.
Arrival - a facilitated arrival that enables participants to leave their everyday behind and to locate themselves within the residential space and opportunity as well as to one another.
Immersion - the heart of the residential is a deep-dive into values and frames and the particular context and content of the opportunity.
Emergence - what is the residential enabling in ourselves, in one-another, in our relationships, in our future direction? We take time to consider what is emerging from the space and its energy and consider how we hold on to that?
Dispersal - prior to leaving, we take time to consider how we will disperse both physically and metaphorically from this shared opportunity. What relationships might we wish to support further? What might we individually or collectively do?
Your commitment:
We are experienced in co-ordinating and facilitating residential learning opportunities and can offer a full package for your organisation/team or work alongside you to offer only the facilitation aspects. If you'd like to discuss an idea or think about planning a residential opportunity then please contact us for an initial no-obligations discussion.
Once we enter into a planning phase you are committed to any costs and dates that we have agreed with you and for any third party costs (venue, catering, travel etc) that we may incur on your instruction. All costs and commitments would be clearly agreed in advance of any obligation.
Open residential: if you sign up for a place on an open residential then you will be bound by the booking terms and conditions that apply at that time. These will always be clearly stated at the time of sign-up. A non-refundable deposit is normally required at the point of sign-up in order to secure your place.
The cost of a residential opportunity will depend on the location, number of participants, duration, time of year and other parameters. We will always make clear the cost of any opportunity before expecting any commitment.
Open residential: our open residential opportunities are offered on a cost-recovery basis and within our fair-pay policy for our practitioners and partners who may be involved in the facilitation of the residential. We will always make clear the costs in advance, but a 3-5 day residential will typically cost between £895 - £2395.
* As a community interest company (CIC) with a mandate 'to support learning communities in England' we seek to make our learning opportunities available to as many people as possible. If the cost of engaging with us is an obstacle to you then please contact us to discuss this. We are sometimes able to use our Community Interest Fund to offer bursary rates or subsidies and discounts to unwaged, students, international participants from low-income countries etc.