New to P4C and curious to explore its potential?
Seeking support and inspiration to liven up your practice?
Wanting to boost P4C through a practitioner residency?
Looking to integrate P4C as whole school change?
P4C at Lifeworlds is led by Rosie Wilson - a registered trainer with SAPERE and Dialogue Works - who has helped schools nationally and internationally to develop their P4C practice in both primary and secondary settings. As a teacher herself, Rosie understands the needs to make P4C work for you and is ready to adapt our programmes and opportunities to meet your requirements.
New to P4C?
Our 'Taste of Philosophy’ twilight session is ideal if you are new to P4C and want to see how it could support and inspire learning in your own setting. This is a minimal commitment and offers a cost effective way to begin your engagement with P4C.
If you can commit to a little more, the we recommend the INSET version of this day as it gives more time and space to truly experience the potential of P4C and greater opportunity to work alongside our experienced P4C practitioners to consider the best onward pathways and/or opportunities.
My year 2s have loved taking P4C through our topic (The Great Fire of London) and linking it to things that they know. Our latest enquiry was 'if something bad happens is it always someone's fault?' and I was so surprised by their comments and reasoning - such articulate arguments...
Primary teacher, Cambridgeshire (March 2022)

Already keen to practice P4C?
Our 'Practitioner in residence' offer provides you with a supported learning journey in which our practitioner works alongside your staff to deliver a number of sessions over a school term, or longer. This 'in-action' approach helps staff and pupils to see and develop their practice in situ, and enables us to offer you tailored guidance and advice to suit your pace of learning and progress.
A popular option with schools is to embark on a P4C journey involving periodic training and ongoing support. We offer a full P4C Learning Pathway with options to accredit your training with SAPERE as the national P4C body.
Huge thanks for your support Rosie, we wouldn't be where we are without you. Looking forward to working together in September!
Primary head teacher, Gloucestershire (July 2022)
Rosie running a demo for school leadership team to observe P4C in practice.
Want to showcase the ‘power of P4C’ with colleagues or enliven your own practice?
Maybe you've had some P4C training/experience but are keen to get others on board. We offer a 'P4C experience/demo day' in which our trainer runs a series of sessions with your learners, for leadership and staff to shadow, co-deliver and learn from. This includes a staff twilight to reflect on the learning and discuss next steps.
Our 'P4C experience/demo day' day can also be a great way to freshen up or enliven your P4C practice if you've been feeling a bit isolated or unable to give it the focus you might have intended for a while. Rosie can discuss 'where you're at' and create a specific intervention such as a twilight or half day of support for your ongoing journey.
I think the twilight sessions were the perfect refocus to bring the staff back to a level of understanding of the role P4C plays in school and next steps to move it into the daily practice of learning.
Primary school, Peterborough (March 2022)
Looking for formal accreditation?
Our SAPERE registered trainer can provide you with formal accreditation with SAPERE if this is your preferred option. This normally begins by joining or commissioning a Level 1 P4C course to gain a SAPERE Level 1 certificate. We can deliver this to a school team or cluster. Beyond this, Level 2A and 2B courses allow you to continue an accredited pathway further.
To discuss the P4C route that is best for you and your school/cluster please contact us and our P4C lead, Rosie Wilson, will be pleased to advise you as to the different options and charges.
Your training experience and passion for P4C comes through your training and the practical experience you have had as a teacher of P4C. You are very well prepared with high quality resources and activities. Your particular strength is in facilitating participant’s review and reflection on their experience and learning ... This provides a purpose to the learning and gives them the confidence that they will be able to take it into the classroom.
SAPERE National Training Manager (Jan 2020)

Rosie training teachers in Doha, Qatar in 2018 running a demo session with pupils.
About our P4C lead and SAPERE trainer, Rosie:
Rosie has been practising P4C with learning communities since 2008. She is Creative Director of Lifeworlds, and works as a creative practitioner in partnership with a variety of schools and organisations. Rosie was previously a secondary teacher of English, Media and Citizenship in Birmingham, and following that taught in the primary sector for eight years. Her approach to P4C is enriched by her experience in a range of dialogic, critical and values-based approaches.
Rosie was part of the SAPERE team supporting schools on the EEF Effectiveness Trial to embed P4C and continues to support whole school implementation of P4C as part of the SAPERE Going for Gold pathway. She has also helped school clusters integrate Learning Through Values (a Lifeworlds programme) alongside their P4C. She runs several independent courses each year and hosts a P4C support community for those already using P4C. Rosie is an active member of the P4C practitioner community in the UK and internationally, participating in regular P4C development groups and contributing to workshops, conferences and other symposia.
Rosie is known for her creative approach to learning and her imaginative use of the outdoors, picture books, fiction, media, images and other stimuli to engage learners and educators in deep thinking and dialogue. She has authored numerous resources and books for children and for educators. Rosie works nationally and internationally, sharing inspiring practice and learning from one context to another.
Rosie was part of the SAPERE team supporting schools on the EEF Effectiveness Trial to embed P4C and continues to support whole school implementation of P4C as part of the SAPERE Going for Gold pathway. She has also helped school clusters integrate Learning Through Values (a Lifeworlds programme) alongside their P4C. She runs several independent courses each year and hosts a P4C support community for those already using P4C. Rosie is an active member of the P4C practitioner community in the UK and internationally, participating in regular P4C development groups and contributing to workshops, conferences and other symposia.
Rosie is known for her creative approach to learning and her imaginative use of the outdoors, picture books, fiction, media, images and other stimuli to engage learners and educators in deep thinking and dialogue. She has authored numerous resources and books for children and for educators. Rosie works nationally and internationally, sharing inspiring practice and learning from one context to another.