Our online taster courses run several times a year and make use of Zoom and other digital learning technologies to deliver a facilitated introductory course on values and frames.
If you are new to values and frames then this is a good starting point. Over a series of 5 sessions (typically spread over 6-8 weeks) we will help you to 'get to grips' with values and frames and support you to start thinking about how this relates to your own personal and professional context.
The course explores:
- What are values?
- Why are values important?
- Where do values come from?
- How do values relate to our lived experience?
- How do values work and how can we work with values?
- What are frames and why do they matter?
- How might we intentionally engage with values?
- What are the pitfalls and precautions of values and frames?
Past participants commented:
"Values are everywhere, but also seemingly nowhere. We need to unite and become informed and sensitive ambassadors for values, and these sessions help us to do so." Helen Myers, Tudor Grange Academies Trust
"Develop a clear understanding and framework of how to reflect on values in your organisation." Richard Simcox, Head, John of Rolleston Primary School
Your commitment:
Sessions are typically 90 mins in length. We run daytime and evening courses to enable maximum flexibility for when you want to participate.
Each course is run as a cohort of participants and forming a learning community is an important part of the process. We ask that you ensure you can attend all sessions before committing. We of course understand that unforeseen circumstances can affect your ability to participate and we will always try and accommodate your needs should this arise for you.
This is an online introductory course and we are keeping the cost as low as possible, whilst still ensuring our experienced practitioners and facilitators are fairly remunerated for the time and experience they bring to this course.
The intro course is £135
This covers the 5 Zoom sessions and includes a complimentary copy of 'Getting to Grips with Values and Frames: a guide for initial inquiry'
* As a community interest company (CIC) with a mandate 'to support learning communities in England' we seek to make our learning opportunities available to as many people as possible. If the cost of engaging with us is an obstacle to you then please contact us to discuss this. We are sometimes able to use our Community Interest Fund to offer bursary rates or subsidies and discounts to unwaged, students, international participants from low-income countries etc.
Next departures...
Please see below for the departure dates and stopping points of our forthcoming online taster courses.
To secure your place please email us: