Our Learning Through Values bespoke learning opportunities are intended for organisations who have a specific reason for wanting to engage in values and frames.
They may want to create or revisit an existing set of values to drive their organisation and its members/audience. They may want to think more deeply about their communication strategy and the narratives that they operate with. They may have a specific focus that would benefit from a values perspective such as a restructure, merger or new leadership team.
Whatever the reason our bespoke learning pathway will work closely with you to create a meaningful and task specific engagement for you and your organisation.
What is involved?
Each bespoke learning pathway is just that - bespoke. It will be depend on the priorities, experiences, and relationships of those involved. There are however some core aspects to our bespoke pathway and these follow the same elements as our coaching/mentor pathway. Indeed some organisations will engage us with the two in parallel so that we can coach or mentor those in a leadership or steering role, whilst also engaging a wider participant audience. The process will typically involve:
Grounding - a process of finding common ground and understanding in order to 'on-board' with one another and sense the most meaningful ways to proceed.
Imagining - an iterative process that enables a learning pathway to emerge and establishes generative questions that will lend energy to the process.
Designing - co-creating a meaningful and attainable schedule for a series of sessions that will form a learning cycle or block. This has a necessarily pragmatic element to it.
Inquiring - we will facilitate the agreed learning, responding to emergent aspects as required.
Diffracting - an opportunity to consider the impact of the learning and explore next steps or new directions to emerge from the process
Your commitment:
Bespoke learning pathways are fully negotiated with the organisation or community involved. At the point of engagement, the commitment is limited to the initial grounding process (see above). Each subsequent phase can then be agreed and the extent of involvement can be mutually established. Once a subsequent stage has been requested or commissioned this will represent a commitment on the part of the organisation or community whether or not they proceed with the intended stage. This is a requirement of bespoke pathways because they involve significant background preparatory work on our part in advance of the frontline delivery.
We are unable to offer even sample costings for a bespoke learning pathway owing to its bespoke nature. We operate a 'fair-pay' policy at Lifeworlds and will use this to negotiate and agree a costing with you. This is a two-way process that aims to ensure:
- our practitioners are fairly remunerated for their experience, time, and reasonable cost-recovery expenses.
- you are fairly charged for the support you request are given an open breakdown of the costing.
* As a community interest company (CIC) with a mandate 'to support learning communities in England' we seek to make our learning opportunities available to as many people as possible. If the cost of engaging with us is an obstacle to you then please contact us to discuss this. We are sometimes able to use our Community Interest Fund to offer bursary rates or subsidies and discounts to unwaged, students, international participants from low-income countries etc.