Still from Learning to Thrive, artwork by Gabi Froden
Learning to Thrive is a new animation with supporting materials and professional learning opportunities produced by BOLD and Positive Negatives in collaboration with Lifeworlds. Click on the animation frame to watch. For alternative versions of the animation and for each chapter of the animation as a separate clip scroll down to alternative video formats.
Learning and support materials
A bank of learning and support materials that have been created to support the themes raised by the Learning to Thrive animation. These are all freely available for use and accessible in standard formats such as PDF and PPT. You can access these resources using the links below.
In addition there are articles, videos, interviews and podcasts relating to this theme on our partner BOLD's website.

Start here...
The resources below are where we suggest you start engaging with Learning to Thrive.
They include an introduction to the support and learning materials and three short guides that support our pedagogical approach:
There is also an interactive viewing guide that can be used alongside the animation and shares ideas for engaging with the content and the creativity of the animation.
Learning pathways
Our learning and support materials are organised into three learning pathways, each designed to speak to a particular audience. There is nothing to stop you accessing all three pathways, but we have made certain assumptions in how we have presented and written them for each pathway. Each pathway includes all four elements of our approach - Noticing, Connecting, Playing and Wellbeing.
This pathway is aimed at adults with responsibilities for the care of their own children or children under their care. It is assuming that engagement will be between the adult/s and a small number of well-known children or young people as would be typical of most family settings.
This pathway is aimed at educators and is intended to help the reader reflect on their own pedagogy and practice in relation to the issues raised by Learning to Thrive. It encourages educators to pause and think for themselves before engaging directly with children and young people.
This pathway is aimed more directly at teachers and educators in educational settings where they may have a group of learners to engage with. It provides activities and resources to help draw out the learning from the animation and the themes that it raises and connects with.
Alternative video formats
Learning to Thrive is available in a range of video formats to suit different learning opportunities. Below are links to each format - all located on YouTube for access. In May we will also be adding the animation split into its four parts so that it can be used for a series of shorter engagements such as in a tutorial sessions over a week.
Learning to Thrive (soundscape only)
This version has no voiceover but includes the soundscape and background music. It can be used to engage imaginatively with the visuals of the animation and to come up with your own ideas about what the story is.
Learning to Thrive (no audio)
This version has no audio at all and only the moving images. You might use this to create your own narrative (voiceover) for the story - trying to explain what is going on in the visual representation.
Learning to Thrive (voiceover only)
This version has the voiceover but with the soundscape removed. It could be used to creatively add your own soundscape to the animation, recording mood music or real sounds from nature.
Professional learning opportunities
We have created a course for teachers and educators to explore the issues raised in the animation Learning to Thrive and how we might relate these to pedagogy and practice. The dates and locations of forthcoming courses will be posted here as they become available. We can offer the course in person or online. If you would be interested in collaborating to run a course with your network, organisation, or school then please contact us to open a conversation.